Its been a while since i've done a blog post and admitedly you may have to nag me to see a follow up, but if you promise that we are in this together, maybe blog posts will be my new thing? I love me some pictures, so Instagram (@aringtoit) has become my new love- the click, edit and share our story in seconds, is a definite win. So, in an attempt to not stray too far away from the pretty little pictures, here's a selection of #ringit moments that sum up our journey from when I started 'a ring to it' in April 2013 to present day, two years later.

The years have been good to us and that's definitely thanks to you. The pictures that now mark 'a ring to it's' two years of growth, 'goeie tye' and supplying all you lovelies with precious pieces: 'a ring to it' staples and those wedding & engagement rings that start 'happily-ever-afters', have been my pleasure and are moments treasured on this journey. Much gratitude and lovely wishes for the many memories we'll make in the years to come.
Thanking you,
Stacy (designer, manufacturer and grateful business owner).