Silver 'bubblegum' Ring

Silver 'bubblegum' ring, from the 'sweets with the change' range.

The “Sweets with the Change” range, taps into nostalgia, memory and insights into Cape Town communities. The range touches on the role that ‘the corner shop’ played as the backdrop to our childhoods - the sense of responsibility when buying a loaf of bread for your ‘Ma’ and the joy of asking for ‘sweets with the change’. The range rehashes and reinterprets my favourite sweets in clever ways and relooking at magical moments associated with sweets.

 The ring is produced from chewed pieces of 'Chappies' bubblegum. The range is executed by casting techniques and takes the exact shape of the gum; teeth marks and all. The piece is solid metal and no bubblegum remains inside.  I get to chew and catalogue vast amounts of bubblegum and play around with my food. Sourcing the material means riding around to different sweet wholesalers or corner shops to test bubble gum. 

When my brothers and I were little we discovered, while on holiday, the ‘Bubble Gum Tree’- a tree covered in holiday visitors’ old bubblegum. It was a thing of magic and we stood staring in awe. The glistening and almost luminescent colours of the chunks of bubble gum hanging onto the bark of the old tree. (LOL) It’s a moment I won’t forget -the beauty of the dirty bubble gum and a memory I share with my brothers.

  • The 'sweets' inspiring this product are '5c bubblegums' and 'chappies'.

About your ring sizing:

  • Please add your ring size in the comments section and keep in mind we make use of 'UK sizing' . A conversion chart is available on the website link below.
  • * You are more than welcome to stop by our studio (Cape Town) to have your finger sized, its free and we find its the more reliable option. If you are close to a jewellery store or mall, most jewellery stores will gladly assist you with ring sizing, free of charge as well.

* Alternatively you can use the following website to find your ring size, if preferred. 

* OR if you are happy to use our standard sizing options- Extra small (G,H,I)
                                                                                          - Small (J,K,L)
                                                                                          - Medium (M,N,O)
                                                                                          - Large (P,Q)
                                                                                          - Extra Large (R,S,T)

Please note 'a ring to it' will not be held liable for incorrect sizing, but can assist with resizing purchases at an extra cost. All courier costs will be for account of the client.  
